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Are you afraid of snakes? What about robots? What about snakerobots?
Now here’s one of those new innovations in robotics that’s solving problems by combining two things that don’t quite seem to go together at first thought.
Today Ever Widening Circles will take you on a little journey of possibility when it comes to pure ingenuity.
Did you ever stop to ask yourself why most of us envision the human form when we think of the word “Robot?” What if the real potential of robotics lies with thinking outside that box? Here’s your introduction to snake robotics!
Having the flexibility and movements of a slithering reptile allows these robots to squeeze into spaces that their human-form, mechanical cousins, and we humans, haven’t been able to explore. They can do so much more! We will be able to identify structural problems in hidden places, perform minimally invasive surgery, and find survivors in fragile search and rescue missions (to name a few applications).
This impressive innovation, which obviously has adopted its looks from a little friend in nature, is just one incredible example of biomimicry; a growing field of science at the intersection of engineering, design, and biology.
Here’s a quick look from the awesome robotics channel, cmurobotics, at where we are going today…
DECEMBER 11, 2015
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We hope you haven’t missed these inspiring new innovations! From Bill Gates drinking sewage water, to devices that use the tongue as “eyes”, and even cell phones that are saving the rainforest, you’ll be sure to find something amazing in this selection of articles about the new innovations that are moving our society forward. (Don’t worry, there’s so…